Drastically Increase Your Property Value with These Home Renovations – Creative Decorating Ideas

Consider comparing your investment with the worth of your house. The video below will help you understand how you can make these improvements.

Your cabinets can be painted for your initial upgrade. Pick a premium oil-based paint and primer. To prevent any drips that may be rogue be sure to remove all hardware prior to applying the paint. Spray paint is required to be used. Before painting, make sure to take off the gloss of your cabinets. This project will cost anywhere from $200 to $600. It will lead to a $5k to $15,000 .

The next stage of renovations is glazing or refinishing the bathroom tiles. You will need an airless sprayer for your final spray. But, prior to finishing, you should remove any old calk so that finishing is properly applied. This will also stop any growth of mold. Overall, the project may only take a weekend which will run between $100 and $250. It can increase the home’s value by between $3,000 and $5,000. By doing a bit of work and money, you could dramatically improve the value of your home.
