How Long Do Wisdom Teeth Take to Heal A Comprehensive Look

Rinse your face with hot water, then place it onto your cheeks in order to decrease swelling. Your jaw should be healed in seven to ten days. The slight swelling of your cheek could last two weeks. Bad taste the mouth. Wisdom Tooth Extraction Aftercare Guidelines

You can prevent problems during recovery and aid in your recovery. Your dentist will offer exact instructions on how you can shield your mouth post-surgery to shorten the amount of time the healing process of wisdom teeth. For the first few days following surgery, you need to keep your mouth hydrated as best you can. It’s important not to take blood clots out of stitches in the initial week. This protects against pain and can increase the risk for infection.

A blood clot can be formed over the site of a tooth extraction to heal and shield nerve endings and the bone below. This process is intended for the blood clot to develop as well as ensure that it is unbroken during the process of healing. These steps also help keep the stitches in place, and can help ease discomfort.

Dos and Don’ts Do a bit of gauze pad on the area of your extraction for up to an hour. Use an ice compress on the cheek area to ease swelling and pain. If you need additional help with pain, your dentist may prescribe painkillers prescription-only, or an over-the-counter painkiller may suffice. Ibuprofen is commonly recommended. It reduces inflammation and the pain. Take all medication prescribed by your physician. Don’t drink a lot of liquids. It is recommended to limit your intake of soft food over a period of at least two days. Don’t chew on any other teeth while you are taking your medications. After eating, wash the affected area with an antiseptic toothpaste. By rinsing warm water with salt and a teaspoon a few times a day is also a good way to decrease inflammation and soreness as well as keep the site clean. s43vpu6pup.