Feed Me the Information

WordPress RSS feeds are designed to publish information from frequently updated works. These works would include internet sites that are provide news, blogs, or videos. RSS stands for Rich Site Summary, and some people call it Really Simple Syndication.

An RSS feed wordpress takes the information from the frequently updated site and restructures it. Restructured RSS feeds wordpress are then sent to people that have signed up to receive them. They are usually documents that are rich with information and give a small form of the update. WordPress RSS feeds can have the full text or a summarized text, and they generally include important information about the work, such as the author and publishing date.

The first version of wordpress RSS feeds was released in 1999. It allowed people to follow various sites, receiving updates about them so that they could stay current on whatever information interested them. The style of the wordpress RSS feeds make it so that a person using them has to find the best wordpress RSS feeds so that they are relevant.

If a person is not selective in choosing their wordpress RSS feeds, they could be subject to getting an information overload. A site that a person is not that interested in can still flood a feed, so a person has to be careful to pick the feeds that are closely aligned with his or her interests and is known for the good information it provides.