What Is In a Prenuptial Agreement – serveidaho.org

em. A lot of people with many assets and income ask their impending spouse to sign a prenuptial contract. The agreement specifies the way the court should divide everything should the marriage end in divorce. Prenuptial agreements contain many different items.

Assets are one of the primary items discussed in the premarital contract of a couple. These assets include cars or homes as well as expensive jewelry. It could also comprise an explanation of the spouse’s inheritance. It’s not appropriate to allow a spouse to receive 50 percent of something that one person owned prior to the marriage. So, the prenuptial arrangement protects the person who owns the property.

Another area that agreements may be able to cover is debts. Many spouses aren’t willing to share their debts. Thus, they request to have agreements that adequately protect them in order to allow everyone to manage the premarital costs of their spouses.

Prenuptial agreements can contain retirement savings in case the parties decide to split in retirement. If you are thinking about wedding, the speaker talks about various other things that may be included in a prenuptial contract. asy5qr6in3.