Italys Pizzerias Are on Another Level – Travel Blog Sites

You can only buy one which is also known as pizza at Taglio. Pizza Al Taglio is a unique pizza eatery that serves square pizzas. Customers can pick their slices by showing hands how large they are and the slices.

When it comes to whole pizzas There is nothing better than a freshly made margherita. It’s the basis of all pizza.

Italy is the home of best tomatoes and most italian cuisines are inspired by the fresh fruit. Pizzaiolos (Italian for ‘pizza maker’) add homemade mozzarella and local olive oil to create a Neapolitan classic margherita. You don’t need any additional toppings.

When the pie is served on a table, customers are given cutters to slice the pie. Not cutting it with a pizza knife.

Pizzas can be cooked using a brick-oven at 700°F. Italians opt to use a fork as well as a knife to consume their pizzas unless on the go or if the pizza has cooled enough.

Avoid dipping the napkin in the pizza, it is a travesty. Be aware that Italians have no use for folds like the New York fold.

If the pizza is ready and the pizza is cut, shout “Mangia!’ Now you can eat!
