How Using RSS Can Save You Time

Many people find that keeping connected with their favorite blogs and websites takes an inordinate amount of time. For example, there are several blogs I check regularly, all of which get updated on different days, and then there is NPR news, which I check whenever I have a free second. I also keep updated on the latest video game news, since that is one of my biggest hobbies, and for my job I keep tabs on social media and marketing news. If I had to go and check each website, even only once a day, I would have little time to discover any new content or get any work done. So what is my solution? RSS.

What is RSS?

A 500 respondent survey conducted by iCrossing in 2012 revealed that 44% of people did not know what an RSS feed was, 14% were not sure if they were currently using feeds, and about 13% were either currently using them, or had used them in the past. Even if you spend a lot of time online, it is entirely possible to never learn what an RSS feed is. RSS feeds for websites are essentially a form of summarized content for that site, which gets automatically sent to an RSS feed reader.

How do I get RSS feeds?

The first step is to find an online RSS feed reader, which acts as the home base for all of your RSS subscriptions. When you find a feed on a website, you copy the URL to your reader. Once you add RSS feeds to the reader, you will start to get automatic updates. According to a survey by Digg, most people who do have subscriptions, about 80%, check them multiple times a day. Even if you do check your feed more than once, you are still saving time because what has already been scanned can be erased from your feed. In this way, you only see what content is new, and if there is no new content? Well, then you can move right along.

Which websites should I get RSS feeds from?

The basic rule is, get RSS feeds from whatever websites you would regularly check, or are interested in. If you are interested in computer news, coding, science, and technology, the Slashdot RSS feed would be right up your alley. The majority of feed users, according to the Digg survey, subscribe to between 11 and 50 feeds. However, it is fascinating to note that about 18% of users subscribe to more than 250 feeds. If you like to cook, subscribe to popular cooking blogs, and if you are interested in the latest news about nutrition, then subscribe to health news feeds.

Automating how you get content from the web is a super efficient means of aggregating information, and then processing it without getting too bogged down in distractions. If you have a number of websites you regularly check, see if they have the option for RSS feed subscriptions. You might find that you save a lot of time by collecting updates in one place for quick scanning and easy enjoyment.