Why Your Church Needs a Video Wall – The Art Museum

Non-denominational churches, Wesleyan and other religious denominations are looking towards a tech-driven future. The advent of systems such as Planning Center, Basecamp, and Slack getting incorporated into broad terms, it’s natural that there’s an influx of pastors looking for ways to modernize their worship stage. Because so many people in churches attend and are awed by the element of worship in a worship service, pastors around the world have started putting an interactive video wall for church on their podiums. The video provides good reasons as to what your church might benefit from a video wall.

A video wall has many advantages, among them the capability to read quickly. A video wall can display text-based media in large sizes which means that older members of your congregation , as well as note-takers have the ability to quickly read sermon notes or verses. Your video wall can also be utilized for displaying the media that you can use during your church services. Some of the many functions that the video wall in your church can use for include sermon songs, announcement slides slide slides and full-on virtual sermons. Video walls could be the perfect investment to transform your church to be 21st century.
