Ultimate Guide to Fixing a Lawn – Spokane Events

If your lawn is looking less lush than your grass around it, then you’ll need repair it. This YouTube video “How to Fix An Ugly Lawn” will give you tips you can give your lawn new look.

Before you start to replant your lawn, first examine the larger perspective. Once you’ve replanted your lawn take a few moments to identify the issue and stop it from happening in the future. If your lawn suffers from overly shade, consider switching to sun-loving grass that has soft surfaces.

Apply herbicides to your lawn. If you want to restart the process, you think that more than 50% of your lawn needs attention. Sprinkle the grass with an herbicide to kill all vegetation it’s come in contact with.

The next thing to do is cut your turf that has died after applying herbicides. It may be counterproductive to scalp your lawn to make it new, small mows will prevent the dead plants from overshadowing your new lawn. Raking your lawn is what is next following this.

These tips will help ensure that your lawn stays clean and healthy.
